Kincumber High School

To Tomorrow

Telephone02 4369 1555


To help students choose their career paths we have a number of resources. 

Careers website

This website aims to provide parents and students with essential information to help with career decision making and pathway planning. Please feel free to drop in to the Careers Office (in F Block) for advice on any career related issues. Parents are most welcome, but it is advisable to make an appointment (4369-1555). I look forward to working with you -  Megan Lawler

On the careers website you can find information on:

  • Work experience / paperwork (have the hyperlink in here)
  • Resume
  • Careers quizzes

View the Kincumber High School careers website.

Careers Facebook

Visit this Facebook page regularly for: 

  • Daily job/apprenticeship opportunities
  • Upcoming Careers Events 

Access the Kincumber High School Career Education Facebook page.

Resume resources

Resume Builder

  • Example one = casual (insert link here)
  • Example two = apprenticeship (insert link here)
  • Example three = school leaver (insert link here)

Useful sites:

  • – password – seagulls

For more information see Ms Lawler and login to the Kincumber High School Careers website and register.