27 Apr 2020
Dear School Community,
Welcome back to Term 2. We hope the unusual school holiday break has been restful and rewarding for families, despite the numerous challenges that COVID-19 has presented us with. I understand that the community has many questions regarding schooling this term and beyond and I will do my best to provide clarity and give confidence that we can provide an effective educational program for our young people while at the same time, manage their safety, well-being and social needs.
The teachers and I have met via Microsoft Teams Video Conferencing today and will do so in our additional Staff Development Day tomorrow, to work through the structures and processes that need to be in place for Term 2.
Phase 0
For weeks 1 and 2 of Term 2, starting on Wednesday 29 April, students are operating as they were at the end of Term 1 - ie online learning from home, with only the children of essential workers who are unable to be supervised at home being in attendance. The Department of Education refers to this as Phase 0. Roll Call for all students in Phase 0 is to operate via the Google Classroom page for each year group (details promoted through our social media and student email) and is to be completed between 8-11am.
Phase 1
Phase 1, starts on Monday 11 May, and involves a staged return, with students returning to school at least one day per week. After careful consideration of the various factors involved we have designed the following structure for Kincumber High School. Our most vulnerable students in the SSU are able to attend five days a week. Year 12 students in their most critical year of schooling as they prepare for the HSC, can attend for at least four days of the week, with an optional fifth day being for work on Major Works and similar projects. Years 7 to 11 in Phase 1 attend school one day per week.
Monday - Year 7
Tuesday - Year 8
Wednesday - Year 9
Thursday - Year 10
Friday - Year 11
The advantages of this model allow for students to stay connected with their school, to interact with their peers and have some level of contact with teaching staff to keep their learning moving forward and to check on their well-being and engagement levels.
In Phase 1, Year 11 will operate to a modified timetable on Fridays where each of their subject lines are taught by their regular classroom teachers.
Unfortunately, it is logistically impossible for Years 7-10 to have access to their regular classroom teachers on their assigned day of attendance. In Phase 1, 7-10 complete online learning at school, supervised by a teacher who may not be their regular classroom teacher. Classes will be split across different spaces to ensure social distancing and health protocols are maintained. Year 7-10 students will engage in one period of physical activity at school each day supervised by appropriate staff.
Year 7-12 are to complete daily Roll Call via Google Classroom pages in Phase 1.
Phases 2-4
There is no date set for the commencement of Phase 2, but when it does begin it will involve Years 7-11 attending on at least two days per week.
Phase 3 involves having students at school for five days a week, but with social distancing and other health protocols in place.
Phase 4 is a full return to school life, including assemblies and excursions.
Hygiene and Safety
A reduced number of bathrooms will be opened at school during Phase 1, so the cleaning staff can keep those facilities at a high level of cleanliness. We have been assured that extra supplies of hand sanitizer will be onsite for 11 May.
The Department is also provided additional cleaning staff so cleaning will take place onsite each day.
Online Learning
Teachers, students and families are to be congratulated on the outstanding effort they have applied so far in this journey, as we were challenged to move from face to face to online learning in such a short space of time. As we commence Term 2, Kincumber High School is looking to improve further by:
- teachers posting a weekly overview of the expected work on their Google Classroom pages
- acknowledging that for many students, online learning at home can mean that activities take longer to complete than if they were at class with their teacher and classmates.
- teachers indicating the expected duration of an assigned activity. (e.g. 20 minutes)
- teachers committing to one "live meet" per week where the student can be assured that the teacher is available to them to answer questions and gain clarity on assigned work. This will be in one of the regular timetabled lesson slots to avoid double-ups and will be promoted by the teacher.
The creativity and ingenuity of students with their teachers so far has been impressive. We look forward to seeing what can be achieved as we progress in Term 2. We will continue to share some of these works with the community via our social media channels.
I would also like to acknowledge the efforts of our Student Leadership Group, led by school Captains Elle and Tallon, who have stepped up to lead the entire student group through their representation, humour and innovative thinking. You may have seen some of their work on Facebook in recent weeks. We look forward to the next installment.
Brent Walker