22 May 2020
Dear Parents and Carers,
I am sure most of you are aware that a significant announcement was made at the Tuesday 19th May Premier’s Press Conference relating to the return of full time face-to-face learning for all students. Following the press conference, the Department of Education provided Principals with a livestream briefing, giving further detail to the announcement. This was the first time that Principals were aware of these policies, so the team at Kincumber High School have been busy planning for this return to school since that time.
I have attached the KHS Return to Face-to-Face Learning FAQ Handbook. Please read this document as it will hopefully answer many of your questions. Undoubtedly, there will be additions to this document as we discover protocols that we need to add to our operations. This document will be available on the KHS Website from today.
Please do not hesitate to contact the school if you require any further clarification or have concerns.
The key messages that the community need to be aware of as students, parents and carers are (but please read the FAQ Handbook for all details):
• Student Return and Attendance - All schools across NSW in the public sector will return to full face-to-face teaching on Monday 25th May 2020. All students are expected to be back at school unless they are unwell or have a medical certificate to support their absence. Parents are asked not to keep their children at home unless they are medically ill and it is supported with medical evidence as per pre COVID-19 DoE attendance policy. I understand that this is a change, so please, read the attached document and contact the school if you have any concerns. I would rather have the discussion with you than you continue to worry.
• Hygiene and Social Distancing – The department has directed all schools to ensure that students throughout the day can regularly wash their hands. Hand sanitiser will be available in every classroom along with disinfectant spray and paper towels. Students will be continually reminded, verbally and through signage throughout the school of NSW Health recommendations. These include that hands must be cleaned thoroughly with soap, prior to using the hand dryers and/ or paper towel in the bathrooms. Students will receive clear and consistent messaging upon their return, which will be reinforced on a daily basis.
• Drink bubblers cannot be used until further notice and students are encouraged to bring their own water bottles to school, and to not share any food or drinking containers with their friends.
• The NSW DoE has stated that social distancing does not apply to students at school. This will mean that students will be in their normal sized classes. Staff will be utilising a common-sense approach to managing students in and around the school. These include school based changes to lining up procedures at key congestion points such as the canteen, bus and busy thoroughfares throughout the school.
• Remote Learning – Students will not have the opportunity to work remotely from next Monday, and what I mean by remotely, is, as per the mode of delivery over the last few months. This is a direction from the NSW DoE, as the department’s priority is to get all students back to school. If students are ill/away for an extended period, families will need to contact the school as per arrangements of pre-COVID-19.
• School Public Transport – There has been a lot of talk in the media about transportation to and from school. A message from Busways was shared yesterday and it is important that parents and carers are aware of the situation. Where possible some parents and carers may choose to take their child to and from school. Please understand no bus driver will refuse a student entrance onto transport to and from school. Transport services have a duty of care to deliver students safely to and from school.
• Reporting – All students will receive a report for Semester 1, however, this report will be modified and look different to reporting in the past. This modification of the report is obviously due to the change of learning circumstances and the fact that assessment tasks had been suspended. The report, however, will provide feedback around student learning at school, and remotely, and will provide the teachers professional judgement on how your child has been achieving over the recent unsettled period.
I sincerely hope that this message is clear and I encourage you to please contact me at school if you require any further information. Finally, can you please support us in your child being ready for learning on Monday with their correct uniform (including black leather shoes) and equipment for their return to school.
I am looking forward to seeing all of our students again from next Monday.
Please take care and look after yourselves and your family.
Thanks for your ongoing understanding and support.
Yours sincerely,
Brent Walker